GDS-68SXP Advanced Natural Gas Odorant Monitor
The GDS-68XP Odorant Monitor directly measures mercaptan and tetrahydrothiophene-based odorants in a stream of natural gas. By alternatively applying sample gas and clean purge air to the sensor, the GDS-68SXP delivers extended sensor life and significantly reduces the amount of sample gas released to the atmosphere.
Samples can be taken manually or programmed to occur on intervals from 15 minutes to 24 hours. Low operating power, built-in automatic calibration, extensive self-test features and optional satellite communications make the GDS-68SXP Odorant Monitor ideal for remote odorant monitoring or injection facilities where power and communications options are limited. A built-in wireless interface allows users to log in using a smart phone to check settings and download data and status information.
The GDS-68SXP offers an attractive and economical alternative to expensive analyzers where multi-point or system-wide real-time odorant monitoiring is required.