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The risk related to manufacturing doesn’t usually arise from handling equipment instead the greatest risk for workers, is the transportation, storage and use of gasses.
At GDS we understand the critical importance of keeping this industry safe and secure not only for its employees but for the American economy as a whole. That’s why we’ve developed several different monitors designed to inform and alert staff when the danger level of gases becomes elevated.
What are the dangers?
It’s easy to say the gases used in the manufacturing industry are dangerous, but unless you’ve experienced it directly it’s hard to understand what that means. As an example, the danger could start with the leakage of a flammable substance at a commercial plant, mixing with the air, forming a flammable vapor cloud and then drifting to a source of ignition leading to a fire or explosion.
Another plausible scenario could be toxic substances leaking, forming a poisonous vapor cloud, and then drifting to another factory or even worse, to a populated area. This could have a toxic and even fatal effect on innocent adults and children who have no connection to the manufacturing plant. Not only would the cloud itself pose a health hazard, but it could cause a fire depleting an area of oxygen. Additionally, the fumes generated by the fire may contain highly toxic gases.
Where do the dangers come from?
The most common toxic gas found in the manufacturing industry is hydrogen (H2). This gas can be liquefied, compressed, or mixed with other gases for various uses. Hydrogen is used in the steel-welding process it helps in the production of common household chemicals, and much more. The greatest danger of hydrogen is its explosiveness. When exposed to oxygen, hydrogen will ignite. In contrast, liquid hydrogen is extremely cold and can cause severe frostbite.
Manufactured in either compressed, liquid, or mixed forms, is the second most common gas: oxygen. In an industrial setting, oxygen is used in laser cutting, oxidizing chemicals and combustion. Though oxygen alone is not flammable when there is too much present it can help other materials catch fire, even those that are flame-retardant in normal air.
Acetylene is most often used to weld materials at very high temperatures. Similarly to hydrogen, acetylene is highly flammable and explosive. It can also form explosive compounds when combined with metals like brass and silver.
How can the danger be lowered?
Complete elimination of these gases in the manufacturing process is impossible. Without any one of them, the products we rely on may no longer be available. Therefore continuous monitoring of manufacturing facilities is critical. GDS offers two different gas detectors that are easy to use, very reliable, and an extremely cost-effective safety measure.
Our Products
This is our most advanced and user-friendly gas detector. Available in both single and dual channels it can monitor a wide range of toxic and combustible gases. It can display values, units, a trend graph and alarm display levels in a very readable form. It’s even armed with a backlight which means it is easily seen in low light environments. The GASMAX II can only support local and remote sensors making very easy to install.
Specifically designed to be used in hazardous environments, our GASMAX CX is able to monitor and detect any combination of toxic and combustible gases. With its high-resolution TFT display making it easy to read, this monitor is designed specifically for areas where information must be conveyed in real time. The GASMAX CX can support both local and remote sensors, making it a simple installation.
The Need for Monitoring
It goes without saying that working in the manufacturing industry is a dangerous job. Beyond wearing a safety hat, protective eyewear and steel-toed boots, is the need for monitoring-gas monitoring that is. At GDS we offer the most up-to-date equipment designed to protect workers lives while allowing this vital industry to continue to grow. Our monitors not only survey the working environment, but they also detect and alert when gas levels become dangerously high. A gas monitor is more than a piece of safety equipment it is a life-saving device essential to the continued success of everyone associated with the manufacturing industry.
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GDS Gas Detection Products
Our CSA and ATEX certified fixed and transportable gas detectors, gas sensors, flame detectors and alarm and display controllers are truly ‘state of the art’ devices offering unparalleled features and capabilities.

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